Plot Summary: Back in England, Mina gets the order to recruit another odd person for her team: his name is Hawley Griffin and he's supposed to be dead for seven years. Campion Bond suggests a connection to "virgin births" which were reported from a residential school for girls in Edmonton. So Mina, Quatermain and Nemo visit this "Correctional Academy for Wayward Gentlewomen" where the principal, Miss Coote, shows them the house: it's a bizarre world where the girls are sometimes treated with a cane. Our heroes stay for the night and witness something extremely strange: one of the school girls is being raped - by an invisible man! Quatermain, Nemo and a bucket of paint manage to knock the culprit out, which also solves the mystery of the "virgin births". By now, the team has its fifth member: Hawley Griffin, the Invisible Man. So the League is complete and gets its first job: trying to find a stolen resource called Cavorite. This material can resist gravitation and with its help the Brits wanted to start a flight to the moon. Now, it's in the hands of the "Doctor", a mighty godfather of crime in London's East End.
Comments: There's one scene in #2 I found very weird and amusing: the episode in the girls' school. The building, its decoration, the principal's outfit; everything has a slight reference to S&M - it's very hard to describe, you have to see it for yourself!
© 2003 LeGuy. |