ABC > ABC Books
An overview
The following series are part of the ABC imprint:
This story takes place in 1898 - it's about a victorian super-team consisting of famous characters from popular novels of this era. Moore and company used this intruiging setup to create an excellent comic book. [more...]
Old-fashioned pulp stories featuring a crime-fighting 'science hero'. Stylistically, the series is a tribute to early super hero comics and pulp magazines of the 30s and 40s. Tom Strong is like a mix of Tarzan and Superman. [more...]
...english pages coming soon...
...english pages coming soon...
...english pages coming soon...
...english pages coming soon...
...english pages coming soon...
An anthology of short stories taking place in different worlds. Four stories per issue, all very different in style. [more...]
A six-issue miniseries starring Greyshirt from the pages of Tomorrow Stories, written (and partly drawn) by Rick Veitch. [more...]
Apart from the regular series, ABC released some remarkable One-Shots. Also in this section: secondary literature about ABC books. [more...]
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