ABC > Episode Guide > Tom Strong > 14
#14: Science Fantasy
Writer: Alan Moore
Pencils: Hilary Barta, Chris Sprouse
Inks: Al Gordon
Colors: Matt Hollingsworth
Lettering: Todd Klein
Cover date: October 2001
Plot Summary:
Three short stories, each one dealing with vacations in space.
A very funny story, drawn by Hilary Barta (Splash Brannigan) in a cartoony style:
in 1954, Tom Strong's family is on vacation on a foreign planet. They have everything their hearts desire: sun, beach, sea and beach volleyball - but unfortunately, the circumstances on this planet are so extreme, that all these amusements become deadly threats.
TOM STRONG: The Land of Heart's Desire!
One year later, the next holidays: Tom and Dhalua visit a planet which looks like paradise. The planet fulfills the visitors' most secret wishes and inner desires. This leads to some quaint situations and great danger. Thank god Pneuman the robot doesn't have any desires and so he can rescue our couple.
TOM STRONG AND JOHNNY FUTURE: Baubles of the Brain Bazaar!
On their return to planet Earth, Tom and Dhalua enter a foreign time dimension, caused by an error of their spaceship. They end up in the distant future, where Dhalua is kidnapped and sold as a slave by the female rogue Yadrazza Pel. But with the help from Johnny Future, Tom can free his wife.
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