ABC > Episode Guide > Greyshirt: Indigo Sunset > 4
Writer: Rick Veitch
Artists: Rick Veitch (Young Greyshirt), John Severin (Greyshirt)
Colors: Wildstorm FX
Lettering & Design: Todd Klein
Cover date: April 2002
The one-pager which is introducing this issue knots together the contents of the one-pagers in previous issues. So these short episodes build up a story of their own.
YOUNG GREYSHIRT: 1989 - The Ballad of Franky & Johnny
Franky lafayette's ex-girlfriend Ella Bly is telling her story as a bar singer: we learn that Franky's best friend Johnny Apollo gets more and more vicious: he seducts the wife of gangster boss Spats Katz and later hurts him in a deliberate car accident and makes him wheelchair-bound. But he also wants to play his games with Franky and Ella.
GREYSHIRT: Recognition!
A legendary giant gemstone called "Star of Indigo" is part of an exhibition in Indigo City's museum. Instantly, several thiefs want to steal it. In its long history, the gemstone always did unite two lonely hearts and so he does this time. But not the way you expected...
This is a classic and innocent tale with a nice surprise at the end. Very fitting art by veteran artist John Severin.
The newspaper stories weave a fascinating web between all the little episodes - building a big picture from multiple small bits.
© 2003 LeGuy.
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